If you want to improve blood flow to your lower limbs, compression socks can be an effective way to increase circulation and avoid invasive procedures. In addition, compression socks can lessen a variety of lower limb afflictions, whether you are a seasoned athlete or are suffering from the effects of diabetes in your legs and feet. Read on to learn how compression socks work and how they can alleviate pain and swelling in the lower limbs.

What Are Compression Socks?

Compression socks are tightly fitted socks that are most compressed around the ankle and become slightly looser as they go up the calf. These socks typically stretch up to cover the calf muscle and are available as a sleeve covering the lower leg, leaving the foot exposed.

The pressure compression socks help veins in the lower limbs push blood flow back to the heart, improving circulation. Increased circulation reduces the chance of blood pooling in one area and causing a clot.

What Do Compression Socks Treat?

Poor Circulation – Improving circulation can help provide relief from a variety of conditions. For individuals with diabetes, decreased circulation to the feet can cause numbness, leading to advanced foot problems due to reduced sensitivity in the area. Compression socks are a great way to get blood moving, so those with poor circulation can experience more feeling in their feet.

Swelling – Compression socks are also a great way to ease swelling of the lower limbs! Pregnant people and those who experience swelling in their feet and legs can utilize compression socks to relieve those symptoms. Individuals with lymphedema or swollen varicose veins may also find pain relief with the regular use of compression stockings.

Blood Clots – Those who have recently undergone surgery and cannot move or exercise for an extended time may be sent home with compression socks as part of the post-surgery recovery process. These individuals are more likely to experience a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or blood clot that forms in the leg. If not treated, a blood clot can travel to the heart or brain and cause a heart attack or stroke. Pilots and individuals who often travel or for long periods are also more prone to developing DVT. Wearing compression socks while on long flights to keep the blood moving freely in the legs will help to prevent the formation of a blood clot.

Sore Muscles – Athletes with sore muscles, or those who spend the day on their feet, may find relief from sore muscles with compression socks. The increase of oxygenated blood can help sore muscles repair quicker and lead to a faster recovery.

Where To Get Compression Socks

Compression socks are widely available and can vary in price. Suppose you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above. In that case, we recommend scheduling a visit with one of our expert podiatrists, so we can determine if your condition can be improved with compression socks. Because there is so much variety in the market of compression socks, consulting with an expert can help match you with a pair of socks with the right tightness, size, and strength so you can make the most out of the benefits of compression socks. Wearing a pair of socks or too tight sleeves can have an adverse effect, so we always advise speaking to a professional first. To schedule your initial consultation, call 717-748-5260 or fill out an online contact form.