Even if the weather so far hasn’t delivered as much of the white stuff as we tend to see on average this time of year, it’s still dry heels season. Heaters, lack of humidity, and a desire to take longer hot showers than normal can all contribute to dryness, with the heels and feet some of the most susceptible parts of the body to suffer.

Avoiding dry, cracked heels is often not that difficult, however. It can simply be a manner of taking some precautions at home. Here are some steps to take if your feet have not been there usual supple selves:

  • Keep cooler during showers. Excessively hot water has the effect of drying skin out. The cooler you can keep a shower, the better. If you must have your showers steamy, though, try not to stay in a prolonged amount of time.
  • Moisturize. The time after stepping out of a shower or bath, when your feet are softened, is an excellent opportunity to apply some moisturizer. Use something mild and alcohol-free to prevent extra drying or reactions. Plain old baby oil is almost always a safe bet. If you do want to get fancy with oils and such, check with us first. We can steer you in the right direction.
  • Hydrate! What you guzzle up top has an effect on the bottoms of your feet. Drinking plenty of water will give the sweat glands on your feet more to excrete to battle dryness. Caffeine or alcohol? Limit those, as they can cause the itchiness of dry feet to feel worse.
  • Seal up for nighttime. Petroleum jelly (you know, Vaseline), can help lock moisture in and soften feet. Apply to your feet and heels just before bed and cover in some old wool socks to avoid staining the sheets. This is another one you might want to check with us before trying, however.

If you have any questions about cracked feet, or steps you take to improve it just aren’t working, schedule an appointment with us by calling (717) 757-3537. Our offices in Hanover, Lancaster, Lititz and York are ready to help!