2016 is here! Time to hit the reset button and leave 2015 behind. Well, there’s still that neat Holiday Train Exhibit going on at the Paradise Township Municipal Building until January 17th… but everything else is starting fresh! That can include a new look on foot care, too. There are ways you may be harming your feet that you might not even realize, and making some changes now can benefit you greatly in the future.

Here are some habits that can be hurting your feet:

  • Living in Heels – Wearing heels off and on can be all right, but spending all day, every day in them can lead to plenty of problems with toe bones, including aggravating bunions. Try to keep heels 2 inches or lower, and wear for special occasions only.
  • Forgoing Socks – Fungus grows in dark, moist environments, including shoes. Sticking your feet into them without socks is opening them up more to a fungal infection.
  • Relying on Old Shoes – We get that old shoes can feel like old friends, but busted, worn out kicks will not support your foot and absorb stress, leading to problems such as plantar fasciitis and metatarsalgia more easily. This is especially true with running shoes; be sure to replace them every 300-400 miles.
  • Smoking – Smoking affects your feet? Absolutely! Smoking greatly contributes to the buildup of plaque along artery walls, causing a narrowing and blocking of the blood vessels. Your feet tend to feel the effects of poor circulation first, being far from the heart. This can cause coldness, nerve damage, and inhibited healing in the feet.

Getting into the habit of more conscientious foot care now can save some pain for you and your family down the line. When problems do come up, though, the doctor at Martin Foot and Ankle will be ready to help. Call us at (717) 757-3537 to schedule an appointment with us at our offices in Hanover, Lancaster, Lititz and York.