Have you ever experienced a sudden, sharp pain in your big toe during sports? If so, you might have encountered turf toe. Turf toe is a sprain of the main joint of the big toe, known as the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. This injury occurs when the big toe is bent upwards (dorsiflexion) beyond its normal range of motion. The term 'turf toe' comes from its frequent occurrence on artificial turf surfaces, which are harder than natural grass and increase the likelihood of this injury among athletes.

Causes of Turf Toe

Turf toe can result from several factors:

Hyperextension: This occurs when the big toe is suddenly and forcefully bent upwards, often during the push-off phase in activities like running or jumping.

Repetitive Stress: Constant stress on the big toe over time, especially in sports that involve frequent stopping and starting, can lead to turf toe.

Inadequate Footwear: Wearing shoes that lack proper support can increase the risk of turf toe. Flexible, lightweight shoes might not provide enough protection for the big toe joint.

Artificial Surfaces: Playing on artificial turf, which is harder and less forgiving than natural grass, can increase the risk of this injury.

Symptoms of Turf Toe

The severity of turf toe can vary, and so can its symptoms. Common signs include:

Pain: Sharp pain at the base of the big toe, especially noticeable when pushing off the ground.

Swelling: Swelling around the big toe joint, which can sometimes spread to other parts of the foot.

Bruising: Discoloration or bruising around the affected area.

Limited Movement: Difficulty moving the big toe can make walking or running challenging.

Instability: The joint may feel loose or unstable in more severe cases.

Treatment Options

The treatment for turf toe depends on how severe the injury is:

Rest and Ice: Initially, rest and applying ice can help reduce swelling and pain. It’s crucial to avoid activities that exacerbate the injury.

Compression and Elevation: Using compression bandages and keeping the foot elevated can help manage swelling.

Medication: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can reduce pain and inflammation.

Immobilization: For moderate to severe cases, immobilizing the toe with a walking boot or splint may be necessary to allow the ligaments to heal.

Physical Therapy: Rehabilitation exercises can help restore the toe’s range of motion, strength, and flexibility.

Surgical Intervention: In rare cases of significant ligament damage or persistent instability, surgery may be required to repair the ligaments.


Preventing turf toe involves taking proactive steps:

Proper Footwear: Wearing shoes with adequate support and a stiff sole can protect the big toe joint.

Strengthening Exercises: The exercises listed below will strengthen the muscles around the toe, foot, and ankle and can provide better support and reduce injury risk.

  • Towel Scrunches: Sit on a chair with your foot flat on the floor and a towel placed under your toes. Use your toes to scrunch the towel towards you, then push it away.
  • Marble Pickups: Place a handful of marbles on the floor. Use your toes to pick up the marbles one by one and place them in a bowl.
  • Toe Taps: Sit with your feet flat on the floor. Lift your toes while keeping your heels on the ground, then tap your toes back down.
  • Resistance Band Toe Extensions: Loop a resistance band around your big toe and hold the other end with your hand. Gently pull the band to create tension, then slowly extend your toe against the resistance.
  • BOSU Ball Balancing: Stand on a BOSU ball with both feet, then progress to balancing on one foot as your stability improves.

Taping or Bracing: Using tape or braces to stabilize the big toe during high-risk activities can help prevent turf toe.

Are you or a loved one suffering from Turf Toe? 

Our experienced doctors can assess the range of motion, check for swelling, and pinpoint the exact location of the pain. Call us today at 717-748-5260 to make an appointment.