A solid foundation is important for every structure, especially your body. Feet are the base of the body and when they exhibit signs of pain it should be taken seriously and addressed immediately to prevent damage elsewhere.

One of the main ways to take corrective action against foot pain is by using orthotics, which are customized devices designed to align to the exact contours of your feet. Orthotic insoles can ease pain and bodily movements, prevent damage to lower limbs and correct foot mechanics.

Why Orthotics are Important

Caring for the overall state of your feet is crucial. A survey conducted by the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) found that 54% of Americans don’t consider their foot health as one of the most important components to their overall wellbeing. Despite this, eight out of 10 Americans have experienced pain or other issues related to their feet that have forced them to miss work or prevented them from performing their everyday routine.

Additionally, those who experience regular foot pain and discomfort are more likely to experience issues in their overall health such as:

  • Weight issues
  • Back pain/discomfort
  • Eyesight issues
  • Joint pain/arthritis 
  • Knee pain/discomfort

Whether you’re experiencing pain or simply seeking additional support, these factors make taking corrective and preventative measures extremely important when securing the health of your feet and body as a whole, and orthotics are an integral part of this process. 

Orthotics Versus Inserts: What’s the Difference?

Much like fingerprints, feet are distinct in countless ways, from shape to size, arch and more. These qualities can’t be addressed by over the counter foot inserts. Foot inserts are mass produced and typically aim to address one symptom, yet they don’t cater to the exact specifications of your individual feet. Orthotics are designed to meet your customized needs and provide you with the unique support your body needs and deserves.

There are two different types of custom orthotics: functional and accommodative.

Functional orthotics are designed to control abnormal motion and the resulting foot pain, treat shin splints and tendonitis. Typically, functional orthotics are made of a semi-rigid material like plastic or graphite to provide firm support to your body.

Accommodative Orthotics provide support to patients through cushioning and additional padding. Accommodative orthotics can be used to treat foot issues resulting from diabetes, reduce callus pain and other conditions that may bring discomfort to the feet, like bunions, hammer toe conditions and more. 

When Should I Purchase Orthotics?

Now is the best time of the year to purchase custom orthotics as it is likely many people have paid their health insurance deductible. When prescribed by a medical professional, many insurance plans provide coverage for orthotic devices.

If you experience irregular pain in your feet or discomfort in your lower limbs, orthotic inserts are a simple solution for you. Let our podiatry team at Martin Foot and Ankle in Hanover, Lancaster, Lititz, York and West York know if you need more information about how custom orthotics can help ease your foot pain. Call any of our offices at (717) 757-3537 or (844) 899-6961 or use our website contact form to schedule a same day appointment.