​No matter what it may look like outside—whether it’s still cold and grey or the sun has decided to make an appearance—spring is right around the corner. It’s been a cold winter, and as anyone in Pennsylvania knows, winter might not have given up entirely yet. If you’re a runner and you’ve been cooped up on an indoor track or treadmill all winter long, you’re probably anxious to take steps to work on your outdoor spring training. Something like posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD), though, can keep you stuck indoors.

Runners with PTTD have to pay attention to their foot health and strength. Your posterior tibial tendon attaches an important muscle in your lower leg to the underside of your arch, supporting the whole foot. Without it, your arch would collapse. PTTD is a serious weakening in the tendon from overuse, and it can lead to flatfoot deformities.

This condition is not the same thing as posterior tibial tendonitis, which is inflammation of this key connector. It’s more serious and needs to be addressed right away. For runners with PTTD, this may mean a delayed start to your spring runs, so that you can get the help you need, but that is better than the alternative. Failing to treat this condition can lead to complications that may make it nearly impossible to run later in life. Our expert staff here at Martin Foot and Ankle can help you begin the necessary regimen of immobilization, rest, icing, and physical therapy, and provide any orthotics or braces you need when you start to run again.

Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction doesn’t have to mean the end of your running career, especially if you catch and treat the problem early. Investing in care now, before the condition gets out of hand, can help you return to running stronger than ever. Contact the experts at Martin Foot and Ankle for an appointment or more information. Fill out the online contact form or call (717) 757-3537 to reach our Hanover, Lancaster, Lititz and York offices.