We’re now more than a week into the new year. How are your resolutions holding up? Still making those gym appointments and skipping the sugary drinks, or have you already begun cheating a bit? According to an informal study, 2 out of 3 people who’ve ever broken resolutions in the past have also broken at least one in the very first month.

We know we’re a little late to the party, but if you’re still looking for a low-commitment, high-reward resolution, we’ve got a great one for you: Resolve to take great care of your feet in 2017!

It doesn’t take a large investment of time or effort—just a little TLC each day—to get a big result. Most people ignore their feet until they have a problem, but if you treat them well and spend just a couple of minutes every morning or evening checking them over, you can stop most painful foot conditions well before they even begin.

Some very basic, easy, everyday tips include:

  • Make a visible inspection each day for cuts, blisters, rashes, swelling, or other problems. This is especially necessary if you have diabetes or neuropathy, since those conditions increase your risk for sores and ulcers. However, everyone can benefit from increased awareness.
  • Don’t suffer with shoes that hurt or don’t fit. Your everyday shoes should be comfy, cushioned, fit great right from the start (no “breaking in” necessary), and provide the support you need. Our office also fits custom orthotics for those who need a little extra support, and offers shoes built for style and comfort at The Right Shoe.
  • Maintain good hygiene habits. Make sure you’re washing your feet every day to fight bacterial and fungal infections, and using a moisturizer to prevent painfully dry, cracked skin. You might also take the opportunity to give yourself a quick foot rub—it feels great and can help improve circulation and relieve pain!
  • Don’t forget your feet during your conditioning and exercise. Calf stretches, plantar fascia stretches, and strengthening exercises help prevent tightness, pain, and injury.

Like we said, a little TLC goes a long way, and catching foot problems early can be the difference between a minor problem that needs only a small adjustment and a major problem that requires more extensive and expensive work. Our team of podiatrists and physical therapists will help you get the high-quality care you need with as little stress and fuss as possible. To make an appointment, please call (717) 757-3537 today.