What do you think of when you hear the word “yoga”? Known for both relaxing your mind and working your strength and flexibility, yoga involves the whole body and relies on a firm foundation for its many poses and movements. That foundation is, of course, your feet and ankles. Yoga for feet can actually help you improve your overall foot strength and flexibility, relieving discomfort from simple overuse injuries and conditioning your body to handle foot strain.

Since yoga positions often require you to balance in place, spread out your toes, point your feet, and stretch your muscles, it works nearly all the structures in your lower limbs—including the little muscles and connectors attached to your toes. The stronger and more fit your feet become, the more their improved health ripples outward and benefits the rest of your body. Strong feet and ankles help your knees, hips, and back stay stable and correctly aligned. As your stability increases, you become less likely to suffer from an overuse injury, and more able to handle the stress of other activities.

If you’re interested in trying yoga to improve your lower limb strength and overall balance, Yoga at Tellus360 in Lancaster has indoor classes all winter long for people of every experience level. Whether you’re already decently flexible and balanced, or you have trouble touching your toes and standing on one foot for more an a few seconds, you can enjoy classes taught by experienced instructors. With a little time and practice, you can drastically improve the strength and flexibility of your lower limbs.

If you’re struggling with pain in your feet or ankles, especially when you’re active, don’t just suffer through your daily life. Contact the experts at Martin Foot and Ankle for an appointment or more information to find out what treatments or exercises—like yoga—could benefit your body. Visit our website contact page or call us at (717) 757-3537.