Our lower limbs play a crucial role in our ability to move, but Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) can disrupt their function without us noticing. This blog aims to educate readers about PAD and its impact on our mobility. By exploring the intricate connection between this vascular condition and our limbs, we aim to increase awareness and understanding of how PAD can affect our overall health.

Restricted Blood Flow

PAD can cause arteries to narrow like pathways obstructed by unseen forces, hindering the essential flow of nourishing blood. Once open and fluid, arteries become obstructed by plaque buildup (atherosclerosis). As the pathways for blood circulation narrow, the smooth passage becomes hindered, leading to potential discomfort, pain, and cramping. These sensations can intensify, mainly when the legs are in motion. Movement, once effortless, now presents challenges, even in basic activities like walking or exercising. PAD's effects often revolve around restricted blood flow, which significantly impacts the function of our lower limbs. 

Intermittent Claudication

Intermittent claudication, a common symptom of PAD, can make walking or going up stairs quite uncomfortable. As you take each step, you may notice a specific type of discomfort, indicating your body's need for more oxygenated blood to support increased physical activity. During physical activity, moments of discomfort can act as brief pauses intertwined with movement. These pauses allow the body to strive for balance and compensate for restricted blood flow. Intermittent claudication causes a sensation of the limbs struggling to receive sufficient blood flow and requesting restoration of circulation.

Muscle Atrophy

PAD can have complex effects on the body, including muscle atrophy. As blood flow to the muscles decreases, their vitality and strength can fade, leading to weakness and gradual shrinkage. As blood flow to our muscles decreases, they gradually weaken and lose flexibility.

Impact on Mobility

Over time, PAD can significantly affect mobility. What used to be a simple walk may turn into a hesitant shuffle, and everyday tasks can become challenging. The difficulties of PAD may take away from independence. Walking can become a struggle; even simple tasks may require more effort. PAD can greatly affect the health and wellness of the lower extremities.

However, there is hope in proactive care. When you become aware of how PAD can impact your ability to move, you take the initial step toward gaining self-confidence. Identifying the problem early on enables you to manage your vascular health before PAD becomes more severe.

If you have symptoms of PAD, seeking medical attention without delay is essential. Our highly skilled podiatrists are committed to exceptional care to improve your condition and promote overall well-being. Please call us at (717) 748-5260 to schedule an appointment.