You always want the right gear to get around. Who wants to tour Dutch Country’s covered bridges in a stuffy car, for example, when you can roam the countryside by scooter instead? Strasburg Scooters offers that option. When it comes to what’s on your feet no matter how you choose to travel, finding shoes that properly fit your feet is an essential way to avoid foot pain. Here are some shoe shopping tips:

  • Shop for shoes during the afternoon or evening. Feet naturally expand during the day, and this is when they’ll be at their largest.
  • Get measured every time you go in for finding shoes. You’d be surprised how much feet can change.
  • When you do get your updated shoe size, use it as a guide and not gospel. A certain size in one brand may not be quite the same as another. Trust how comfortable you feel rather than a number.
  • Ignore all those Pinterest pins about breaking in shoes with hairdryers and brute force. If a shoe needs to be “broken in,” it’s not a shoe you should buy. Period.
  • Check width and length. Do your toes not have enough wiggle room? Does the ball of your foot feel compressed? Does the heel pinch or slip off when you walk? Address these issues with the salesperson; they might be able to find a better size and width for you.
  • Feel around the inside of the shoe for seams, tags, or anything else that might cause irritation.

The best way to prevent foot pain from shoes is to go in with a full knowledge of what you need to be comfortable. Our own footwear store, The Right Shoe, provides expert advice and fitting, using lines of podiatrist-approved shoes that don’t sacrifice style for support.

If you need further help with your feet and ankles, the doctors at Martin Foot and Ankle are more than willing to address your special needs and offer advice on finding shoes or helpful inserts to keep you cruising. Schedule an appointment with one of our offices in Hanover, Lancaster, Lititz or York by calling (717) 757-3537.