Winter is cold and wet, especially here in Pennsylvania. The weather has a habit of getting into everything, too, so good winter boots are an absolute must—and high-heeled fashion boots don’t count. When you look for boots, you have to search out models that will fit both the weather and your activity needs.

If you are an active person who will spend a lot of time walking or hiking in this foot gear, look for models with good-grip soles that won’t slip as easily. Different boots are made for icy, rocky, or even concrete terrain. If you’ll be trudging through winter slush, consider waterproof ones. Think about how often you’ll wear them, too. If they’ll be used frequently, you may want to choose a pair in neutral colors, rather than the ultra-bright ones that are hard to match.

The regular winter temperature matters for your footwear as well. You should pick boots that are designed to handle weather that is colder than what you expect you will actually encounter. Don’t just pick the most durable, extreme-weather gear you can find, though. If you are highly active and your boots are too warm, your feet will sweat. Then you have a whole different set of problems. Think through how often the boots will be out and about and for what purpose, then use that to decide on a temperature category.

Of course, make sure each model accommodates your support and cushioning needs as well before you buy, so you don’t end up with warm but aching feet! If you’re already experiencing foot pain, or aren’t sure what support needs your body may have, don’t just guess and hope your boots will work out. Contact the experts at Martin Foot and Ankle for an appointment or more information and take care of your feet and ankles. Call (717) 757-3537 or visit our website contact page to reach us.