Our area knows how to get into the spookily fun spirit when Halloween season rolls around. In addition to the classic maize mazes and trick-or-treating, this year also includes “Poe Evermore,” a performance of some of Edgar Allen Poe’s finest works as part of Mt. Hope Estate & Winery’s Theater in the Mansion series. If the thought of forefoot pain is causing you more fear than a judgmental raven in your study, however, it might be an injury surrounding your sesamoids.

What are sesamoids? They’re not alien invaders, but the term for bones that are not connected to any other bones. Your kneecap is the best-known example, but there are also two tiny sesamoids residing among the tendons at the base of your big toe. These little bones help distribute weight and provide a spot for the tendons to slide against, helping with foot function. This also puts a good amount of stress on them, however, which can sometimes lead to problems.

Even though they’re the size of corn kernels, the sesamoids in your foot can fracture. They might also be fine in themselves, but the surrounding tendons can grow irritated and inflamed; a condition known as sesamoiditis. Activities that place a lot of repetitive force against the forefoot, such as dancing and running, increase the risk of sesamoid injury through overuse.

Whether sesamoiditis or another problem is the source of your forefoot pain, just letting it continue is the scariest thought we can imagine! The sooner persistent pain is addressed, the more successful treatments tend to be. The doctors at Martin Foot and Ankle are here to help you find solutions and relief for your forefoot woes. Schedule an appointment with us by calling (717) 757-3537.